Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Value of Small Businesses, Worth the effort!


The small business owner is the backbone of this great country. Without us, everything would be typical, large volume, standard items.

We provide all the variety and specialties and individual service to this country!

It is worth the effort!

Join me in my daily blog about the Self-Employment Successes and Scams that you have been a part of.

It is so important that we open our eyes and take note of the genuine opportunities around us each day and maximize these. Not just in business ideas and pursuits, but personally as well.

Notice all of the realized concepts, products, services and sales currently all around you.....now ask yourself, "How can I do this for myself?"..........excerpts from the book about to be released: Self-Employment Success and Scams. Also consider.....

Most businesses fall into the same categories:

Offer a service

Offer a product

Provide support for those offering the service

Provide support for those offering the product

How can you fit into one of these categories for generating an income for yourself? Begin immediately opening yourself to ideas and possibilities - full awareness and watch the ideas flow!

Tomorrow we will have some more tips, hopefully some of yours!

Keep America Wise!

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Book on the Way!

Finally, a new book will be available shortly to help everyone considering starting a new business, start out correctly by taking the necessary steps and have the basics in place!

You need the basics in place, please do not lose any more money in this economy! This will guide you!

Also, it will help so many that are tempted by those blaring, blinking ads to pay for a "business opportunity" - oh, don't do it!! They are just selling you hope and hot air!

They want you to believe you can walk on the beach and make $500 a day, but they never tell you what you will be doing!

Stay tuned and let me know all your thoughts on "Self-Employment Success and Scams!" that you have had personally!

Keep America Wise!
